2 Core, Aluminium Unarmoured (AYY) / Armoured (AYFY))/(AYWY)Cables – 1100 Volts

Nom. Cross Sectional Area Sq.mm Nom. Thickness of PVC Insulation mm Unarmoured Armoured Max. DC Conductor Resistance at 20°C A.C. Current Rating
Approx. Overall Dia. Approx. Overall Weight Nom. Steel Armour Size mm Approx. Overall Dia Approx. Weight Ohm/km In Air PVC Insulation Amps In Ground PVC Insulation Amps
mm kg/km W/F mm kg/km
2.5 0.9 13.2 160 1.4 14.6 427 12.1 21 25
4 1 15.0 194 1.4 15.2 495 7.41 27 32
6 1 16.0 223 1.4 16.5 548 4.61 35 40
10 1 17.8 267 1.4 18.5 601 3.08 47 55
16 1 29.5 353 4x0.8 20.5 601 1.91 59 70
25 1.2 21.2 466 4x0.8 20.7 689 1.21 78 90
35 1.2 22.7 553 4x0.8 21.7 800 0.868 99 110
50 1.4 25 689 4x0.8 24 980 0.641 125 135
70 1.4 29.4 892 4x0.8 28.5 1213 0.443 150 160
95 1.6 32.4 1140 4x0.8 31 1528 0.32 185 190
120 1.6 36 1334 4x0.8 32.5 1736 0.253 210 210
150 1.8 35.2 1610 4x0.8 37.0 2003 0.206 240 240
185 2 39.5 1901 4x0.8 40.0 2440 0.164 275 275
240 2.2 43 2396 4x0.8 44 2978 0.125 325 320
300 2.4 47 2910 4x0.8 48.5 3594 0.1 365 355

3 Core, Aluminium, Unarmoured (AYY) / Armoured (AYFY) Cables1100 Volts

Nom. Cross Sectional Area Sq.mm Nom. Thickness of PVC Insulation mm Unarmoured Armoured Max. DC Conductor Resistance at 20°C A.C.Current Rating
Approx. Overall Dia. Approx. Overall Weight Nom. Steel Armour Size mm Approx. Overall Dia. Approx. Weight Ohm/km In Air PVC Insulation Amps In Ground PVC Insulation Amps
mm kg/km W/F mm kg/km
2.5 0.9 14.2 189 1.4 15.5 432 12.1 18 21
4.0 1 15.5 228 1.4 16.0 504 7.41 23 28
6 1 17.0 262 1.4 17.5 563 4.61 30 35
10 1 18.0 325 1.4 19 674 3.08 40 46
16 1 21.2 441 4x0.8 22.0 708 1.91 51 60
25 1.2 22.6 611 4x0.8 23.0 873 1.21 70 76
35 1.2 24.7 732 4x0.8 24.8 1019 0.868 86 92
50 1.4 27.0 931 4x0.8 28.0 1280 0.641 105 110
70 1.4 31.3 1213 4x0.8 32.0 1586 0.443 130 135
95 1.6 35.0 1567 4x0.8 35.6 1984 0.32 155 165
120 1.6 38.5 1877 4x0.8 38.4 2343 0.253 180 185
150 1.8 42.3 2231 4x0.8 43.0 2726 0.206 205 210
185 2 46.1 2697 4x0.8 45.4 3206 0.164 240 235
240 2.2 51 3405 4x0.8 52.3 4016 0.125 280 275
300 2.4 56.5 4200 4x0.8 57.2 4889 0.1 315 305

3 ½ Core, Aluminium, Unarmoured (AYY) / Armoured (AYFY) Cables – 1100 Volts

Nom. Cross Sectional Area Sq.mm Nom. Thickness of PVC Insulation mm Unarmoured Armoured Max. DC Conductor Resistance at 20°C A.C.Current Rating
Approx. Overall Dia. Approx. Overall Weight Nom. Steel Armour Size mm Approx. Overall Dia. Approx. Weight Ohm/km In Air PVC Insulation Amps In Ground PVC Insulation Amps
mm kg/km W/F mm kg/km
25 1.2 23.5 708 4x0.8 24.0 941 1.21 70 76
35 1.2 25.6 834 4x0.8 26.1 1096 0.868 86 92
50 1.4 29.0 1106 4x0.8 30.2 1397 0.641 105 110
70 1.4 33.2 1368 4x0.8 34.0 1761 0.443 130 135
95 1.6 37.0 1756 4x0.8 38.1 2183 0.32 155 165
120 1.6 41.1 2187 4x0.8 41.5 2609 0.253 180 185
150 1.8 46.0 2571 4x0.8 45.4 3065 0.206 205 210
185 2 49.2 3138 4x0.8 49.6 3676 0.164 240 235
240 2.2 56.2 3987 4x0.8 55 4559 0.125 280 275
300 2.4 61.5 4908 4x0.8 61.3 5495 0.1 315 305

4 Core Aluminium, Unarmoured (AYY) / Armoured (AYFY)/(AYWY) Cables – 1100 V

Nom. Cross Sectional Area Sq.mm Nom. Thickness of PVC Insulation mm Unarmoured Armoured Max. DC Conductor Resistance at 20°C A.C.Current Rating
Approx. Overall Dia. Approx. Overall Weight Nom. Steel Armour Size mm Approx. Overall Dia. Approx. Weight Ohm/km In Air PVC Insulation Amps In Ground PVC Insulation Amps
mm kg/km W/F mm kg/km
2.5 0.9 15.1 213 1.4 16 446 12.1 18 21
4 1 17.2 267 1.4 18.2 524 7.41 23 28
6 1 18.0 310 1.4 20.2 597 4.61 30 35
10 1 21.0 388 4x0.8 21.3 592 3.08 40 46
16 1 23.5 558 4x0.8 23.4 786 1.91 51 60
25 1.2 24.0 786 4x0.8 24.2 1014 1.21 70 76
35 1.2 26.2 946 4x0.8 26.5 1203 0.868 86 92
50 1.4 29.0 1237 4x0.8 30.3 1542 0.641 105 110
70 1.4 33.5 1576 4x0.8 34 1935 0.443 130 135
95 1.6 38.1 2037 4x0.8 38.6 2435 0.32 155 165
120 1.6 41.6 2406 4x0.8 42.1 2900 0.253 180 185
150 1.8 47.6 2978 4x0.8 47.3 3439 0.206 205 210
185 2 52.1 3589 4x0.8 52.4 4127 0.164 240 235
240 2.2 58.5 4535 4x0.8 58.5 5165 0.125 280 275
300 2.4 64.2 5636 4x0.8 65 6237 0.1 315 305

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